Moab Canyoneering

Hiking in across the slick rock.

We reach the site of our first rappel, a 90 ft. drop into Ephedra's Grotto.

Our canyoneering guide Justin tosses down our line.

Leaning over the edge it's difficult to see the bottom.


Kate handles the 90 feet like a champ.

Ingrid in descent.

Group shot!

At the bottom we make our way out through a slot in the grotto.

Ingrid admires the warm glow of the surrounding canyons.

The next rappel drops 120 feet into a canyon alongside Morning Glory,
enormous natural land bridge and sixth-largest of its kind in the world.

We each took turns walking along the top of the bridge.

Kate walks herself back over the edge.

A thrilling view rewarded those who looked over their shoulder on the way

Ingrid's turn!
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Ingrid with the nerves of steel!

Once the rock wall recedes you get to lower yourself down like a spider on a web.

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Group shot!

With the two rappel drops behind us, we begin a 2 mile trek out to the trailhead.

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What all fitness tops should be. Silky soft but still substantial, so there's
no show through.
Our Paradigm fabric is a dense blend of nylon and spandex with a body skimming

I marveled at a few prickly pear cactus blossoms along the way.

The trailhead signals the end of this adventure and I'm already
of the next chance I'll get to go rock climbing.