4:50 a.m. our last day in Alaska.
We rise from our stay at the Sunshine House B&B and set our sights on Mt. Marathon.
Mt. Marathon grows bigger as we approach the base.
The trail goes 3,000 ft. straight up. Each footprint on the map represents roughly 130 ft.
Mt. Marathon is privately owned land. The base of the trail was overgrown with large needle plants. I found just how nice it is when trails are maintained by the National Park Service.
This stretch of trees and roots offered footholds and a much needed break from the 45 degree incline up what was often mudslide terrain.
5:44 a.m. We reach our first clearing and get a glimpse of the town below.
A little further up, our view of Seward expands and we can even see down to our Sunshine House B&B.
5:58 a.m. As Kate takes a fresh breath of the scenery below, it seems like the top of the mountain never gets any closer.
6:22 am. 70 minutes after beginning, we finally make it past the clearing to the stretch of loose gravel.
Kate is a champ!
King of the mountain!
Looking down on Ressurection Bay and the town of Seward near the top of Mt. Marathon.
Seward Little League fields.
Play ball!
The start of the original Iditarod Trail.
Cheap beer.
Lousy food.
Espresso stands are popular in Alaska.
Cops vs. Cons.
A raw and unfiltered glimpse into the cultural events Alaskans are sure to enjoy.
Gina prepares smoked salmon she and Alex caught at Copper River.
Alex Schutz, urban Alaskan cowboy.
Kate takes a ride.