The skyline doesn't quite compare to how Chicago's looks off Lake Michigan, but the weather around here sure is nicer this time of year.
A glimpse into the North Island Naval Complex located on the north end of Coronado Island. I was told it is the home to Navy Seal commando training.
These are not Navy Seals, but I was told actual seals like to sun bathe on the floating docks.
There were indeed seals to be seen.
LOTS of seals.
I imagined that some of these creatures might actually be cleaverly disguised Navy Seals doing their commando training.
A submarine is docked and prepped for a mission.
There were plenty of active naval ships. This one is the USS Sterett, a guided-missile destroyer, headed out to sea.
A helicopter buzzes over the USS Princeton, a guided missile cruiser. Armed with naval guns and anti-air, anti-surface, and anti-submarine missiles, plus other weapons, Princeton is equipped for surface-to-air, surface-to-surface and anti-submarine warfare.
USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76) is a Nimitz-class nuclear-powered supercarrier.
The decommissioned USS Midway.
The bridge to Coronado Island.
The Southern part of the harbor is home to the U.S. Navy shipyards.
Destroyers, Frigates, and Cruisers filled the shipyards.
Our tax dollars at work.
I guess this is the end of the harbor cruise tour.