Tufa-touching! Now that looks like it's going to be one fine rhubarb pie!
Whoops... a little over-cooked. Enchilada hands! Week 2 of the 100 push-up challenge.
Kate does a little iPhone yoga. Kate prepares veggies for our peanut noodle salad.
Biscuits and gravy for breakfast!
(it was actually much tastier than this photo may lead you to believe) In 1997 these three would have been below water level.
Ready? Say cheese! Wait a second... Kate, you're eyes are closed. Let's try again.
Kate, stop squint-blinking, your eyes are closed again. Bridalveil Falls This must be the veil of the bride. We get a little misty; our stay is brief. Yay, camera settings! A roadside waterfall. The lower half of Yosemite Falls was less impressive, but it's an easy walk up to the base. Another look at Vernal Falls Gusts of mist from the base of Nevada Falls. John ponders the meaning of life. More shots of Yosemite Falls. A peacefull look at Yosemite from a bridge. One more panorama of Half Dome and the surrounding valley.