The Smith Rock loop hike is one we've enjoyed before and I was glad to be back.
Part of the the trail zig-zags along Crooked River.
Today we opted for an abbreviated hike to Monkey Face and back.
Along the way to Monkey Face I stopped to take photos of this little toy I scored back in Condon.
Watch out — that man has a monkey in his pocket.
Smith Rock is a great place for rock climbing.
I plan to return for a climb some day.
Won't this guy be surprised to find my monkey waiting for him at the top.
This trail is also a popular spot for mountain bikers.
It made me wish my Trek was handy.
Today I was more than happy to simply enjoy the sunny weather and gorgeous outdoors.
And there it is, the Monkey Face!
Kate was very patient with me while I staged this incredible photo.
See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.
... smell no evil?
Before parting ways with Kate's parents we snapped a couple group shots.
... and of course one of me and my monkey.
The four of us would continue on for another night of relaxation along Hood River.
On the road to Hood River.
Monkey got to set up front with me, but was too busy monkeying around to enjoy the views.
We had a great time at Double Mountain Brewery.