Before heading out we stopped at a random pizza place just down the street from our hotel. It was like Baskin Robins 31 flavors, but with pizza!
I was persuaded by the owner to eat a slice of tuna fish pizza, and I did.
It was incredible! I tried to get Kate to smile, but her mouth was
always too full of delicious pizza.
The Coliseum
[+] Enlarge The sunset cast some interesting light against the coliseum's columns and arches. Looking straight up gave me a strange sensation of vertigo! It blows my mind that this incredible structure from centuries ago sits right in the middle of the city. A series of detailed relief scuptures decorated the archway. Some of the statues appeared to watch my every move. As the sun set on one side of the Coliseum, the moon rose on the other. [+] Enlarge We let the Coliseum fade into the twilight and continued our walk through the streets of Rome.
I was continually amazed at how many ancient ruins were scattered on each block.
[+] Enlarge I mean, that little shard right there is centuries older than America! Julius, is that you? I bet this guy was popular with the ladies thanks to his chiseled body, or perhaps it was his fashionable clam-hat. More statues of totally ripped Romans. The ever popular Trevi Fountain drew quite a crowd of onlookers. [+] Enlarge
There was a lot of finger pointing going on with some of the sculptures. It was YOU! We stumbled upon this eerie view of Basilica of St. Mary of the Angels and the Martyrs. The exterior was a bit creepy at nighttime. Neat building.
7 Days of Italy in 6 Minutes. Our in-flight meal back to Chicago left much to be desired after the flavors of Italy.